Today, I am going to show you an implementation of well-known fan-out pattern in Azure DevOps YAML (AZDO) CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps REST API. I will present a simple way to get an one or a few pipelines be executed from one central place called management plain in fan-out mode.
What is fan-out and how it might be useful in CI/CD workflow?
Fanout pattern in serverless architectures means spreading of a message to one or multiple destinations possibly in parallel, and not halting the process that executes the messaging to wait for any response to that message. We will use the idea to delegate execution of specific CI/CD or configuration management to separate processes in AZDO and (or) doing it in parallel.
Below is a schematic view of fan-out preset runner to maintain blue/green deployment process as a management element of release flow process.
So, the solution consist of the next few parts:
- The core element is server maintenance login. The IaC run book, which contains management steps. The runbook is responsible for managing IIS pool using appcmd.exe configuration tool. It should be noticed, the solution might be successfully applied to any kind of server OS using PowerShell, Python or whatever configuration language you prefer.
- Management plain is AZDO pipeline which manage what preset should be executed and on what environment, blue or green production server’s pool.
- Preset runner pipelines. Go-live, Go-offline and Recycle in my case. The set of pipelines which are responsible to maintenance logic execution with predefined set of configuration. It allows us: to avoid manual configuration each time we provide a maintenance process; to save a time to delivery; reduce a risk of misconfiguration and human factor.
- Blue/green server pools are active and passive production legs simultaneously.
- Load balancer is responsible for swaping
Now, let’s go deeper and see how the logic works.
Maintenance logic
As I noticed before, the solution may base on any automation tool you like, any programing language and might be adopted to manage Windows or Linux servers. I am using PowerShell runbooks and appcmd.exe tool to do so. Production environment provisioned and hosted on premises, using NetScaler load balancing solution.
The management plain looks like:
name: "IIS Maintenance-$(Date:yyMMdd).$(Rev:rr)"
trigger: none
name: company-dotNET
- name: Environment
default: BLUE
- name: StartApp
displayName: StartApi (AppPoolStart + OnDemand + Preload=True + WebsiteStart)
type: boolean
- true
- false
default: false
- name: StopApp
displayName: Stop API (AppPoolStop + OnDemand + Preload=True + WebsiteStart)
type: boolean
- true
- false
default: false
- name: RecycleApp
displayName: Recycle API (AppPoolRecycle + OnDemand + Preload=True + WebsiteStart)
type: boolean
- true
- false
default: false
- group: company-project Project Configuration
- stage: StartApp
condition: ${{ parameters.StartApp }}
- job: StartApp
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Start App (AppPoolStart + AlwaysRunning + Preload=True + WebsiteStart)
targetType: filePath
filePath: ./Tools/AzdoRestApi/pipelines/run-pipeline.ps1
arguments: >
-AzureDevOpsPAT "$(B64-TOKEN)"
-OrganizationName "$(organizationName)"
-ProjectName "$(teamProjectName)"
-PipelineId 101 #ID of preset runner pipeline in AZDO
-BranchName "main"
-TemplateParameters '{ "Environment": "${{ parameters.Environment }}", "AppPoolAction": "start", "AppPoolStartMode": "AlwaysRunning", "Preload": "True", "WebSiteAction": "start" }'
showWarnings: true
- stage: StopApp
condition: ${{ parameters.StopApp }}
- job: StopApp
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Stop App (AppPoolStop + OnDemand + Preload=False + WebsiteStop)
targetType: filePath
filePath: ./Tools/AzdoRestApi/pipelines/run-pipeline.ps1
arguments: >
-AzureDevOpsPAT "$(B64-TOKEN)"
-OrganizationName "$(organizationName)"
-ProjectName "$(teamProjectName)"
-PipelineId 101 #ID of preset runner pipeline in AZDO
-BranchName "main"
-TemplateParameters '{ "Environment": "${{ parameters.Environment }}", "AppPoolAction": "stop", "AppPoolStartMode": "OnDemand", "Preload": "False", "WebSiteAction": "stop" }'
showWarnings: true
- stage: RecycleApi
condition: ${{ parameters.RecycleApp }}
- job: RecycleApp
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Recycle App (AppPoolRecycle , WebsiteRecycle, StartModeNoOps)
targetType: filePath
filePath: ./Tools/AzdoRestApi/pipelines/run-pipeline.ps1
arguments: >
-AzureDevOpsPAT "$(B64-TOKEN)"
-OrganizationName "$(organizationName)"
-ProjectName "$(teamProjectName)"
-PipelineId 101 #ID of preset runner pipeline in AZDO
-BranchName "main"
-TemplateParameters '{ "Environment": "${{ parameters.Environment }}", "AppPoolAction": "recycle", "Preload": "True", "WebSiteAction": "recycle" }'
showWarnings: true
Management plain contains three configuration presents:
- one to bring active slot online setting
- one to stop application and go passive offline
- one to recycle application pool and web sites
Preset runner pipeline, in our case this is separate AZDO pipeline with ID=101, containing run book written in PowerShell. The logic is responsible for reconfiguration application pools and web sites on demand:
- name: AppPoolName
type: string
- name: AppPoolAction
- start
- stop
- recycle
default: start
- name: AppPoolStartMode
- OnDemand
- AlwaysRunning
default: AlwaysRunning
- name: Preload
type: boolean
- true
- false
default: true
- name: WebSiteAction
displayName: WebSite Action
- start
- stop
- recycle
default: start
- powershell: |
$SystemDirectory = [Environment]::SystemDirectory
cd $SystemDirectory/inetsrv
Write-Host "##[debug] Managing Site ${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}"
Write-Host "WebSiteAction: ${{ parameters.WebSiteAction }}"
Write-Host "Preload: ${{ parameters.Preload }}"
// Web Site management
If ('${{ parameters.WebSiteAction }}' -eq 'recycle') {
.\appcmd.exe stop site /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}
.\appcmd.exe start site /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}
Else {
.\appcmd.exe ${{ parameters.WebSiteAction }} site /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}
// Preload management
.\appcmd.exe set app "${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}/" /preloadEnabled:${{ parameters.Preload }}
Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host "##[debug] Managing AppPool ${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}"
Write-Host "AppPoolAction: ${{ parameters.AppPoolAction }}"
Write-Host "AppPoolStartMode: ${{ parameters.AppPoolStartMode }}"
.\appcmd ${{ parameters.AppPoolAction }} apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }}
// Start Mode management
If ("${{parameters.AppPoolStartMode}}" -Eq "AlwaysRunning") {
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} -startMode:AlwaysRunning
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} -autoStart:true
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} /processModel.startupTimeLimit:00:10:00
Else {
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} -startMode:OnDemand
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} -autoStart:false
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} /processModel.idleTimeout:00:02:00
.\appcmd.exe set apppool /${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} /processModel.startupTimeLimit:00:20:00
// WebAdministration log
Import-Module WebAdministration
Get-ItemProperty IIS:AppPools/${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} | Select *
Get-ItemProperty IIS:AppPools/${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} | Select-Object autoStart, startMode -ExpandProperty processModel | select autoStart, startMode, startupTimeLimit, idleTimeout
Get-ItemProperty IIS:Sites/${{ parameters.AppPoolName }} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty applicationDefaults
displayName: 'Manage AppPool and Site'
errorActionPreference: 'silentlyContinue'
Fan-out execution with Azure DevOps REST API
To execute a pipeline in fan-out, I leverage Azure DevOps REST API:
First, create a JSON post request which contains all of parameters defined above, stages to run, proxy settings and even number of build artifact (if need it).
Second, set up authentication header with appropriate access token generated in AZDO.
And, Invoke-RestMethod:
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers $header -Body $body -Uri $url;
Below is presented main execution logic:
### Usage example
# [string] $AzureDevOpsPAT = <PAT>,
# [string] $OrganizationName = 'company-prod',
# [string] $ProjectName = 'project',
# [string] $PipelineId = 101ex. company.project (,
# [string] $BranchName ~~ refs/heads/<branch-name>, default refs/heads/main
# [string[]] $StagesToSkip #stagesToSkip ~~ [ "Test", "Dev" ], default []
[string] $AzureDevOpsPAT,
[string] $OrganizationName,
[string] $ProjectName,
[string] $PipelineId,
[string] $BranchName,
[string] $BuildId,
[string] $Proxy,
[string[]] $StagesToSkip,
[string] $TemplateParameters
$url = ''+ $OrganizationName + '/' + $ProjectName + '/_apis/pipelines/' + $PipelineId + '/runs?api-version=6.0-preview.1';
$header = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AzureDevOpsPAT)};
$BranchName = "refs/heads/main"
$StagesToSkip = '[]'
$TemplateParameters = '{}'
$buildAdd =""
if($BuildId -ne "latest")
{ $buildAdd = ',
"pipelines": {
"build": {
"version": "' + ${BuildId} + '"
$body = '{
"resources": {
"repositories": {
"self": {
"refName": "' + ${BranchName} + '"
}' + ${buildAdd} +
"stagesToSkip":' + $StagesToSkip + ',
"templateParameters":' + $templateParameters + '
Write-Output $body
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Proxy))
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers $header -Body $body -Uri $url;
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers $header -Body $body -Uri $url -Proxy $Proxy;
Write-Output $response.resources.pipelines
$webui = $response._links.web.href
Write-Host "`n`n"
Write-Host "##[section]pipeline web ui link: $webui`n`n"
In the post, I presented a way to create a maintenance process in Azure DevOps using pipelines and REST API. The maintenance process executed leveraging PowerShell scripts and YAML configuration.
I hope, you like the solution, if yes, please, click the link below or follow me on twitter.
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